Happy HALLOWEEN !! Hope it's WICKED !
AWeekend of deBauchelorizing Chris Radcliffe 
Dorkbot for Todd Blair
My Playa Newbies, Mecki & Victoria (Lucky & Bamboo) come viasit
Hardly Strictly Bluegrass in Golden Gate Park ...FREE!
Interlude with cats ... starring Brando
Brighton continues to rock &
i go visit Karen (and her hot bike)
in London
a lovely thank you card from Angie's storyboard students
Brighton Rocks 
WALES - Oh How We Like To Be Beside the Seaside ... or in the sheep

Amsterdam & SRL - Saturday at ROBODOCK
Herve's Robodock page
more from another angle
Amsterdam & SRL - Friday at ROBODOCK
more from another angle
SRL - backtage at ROBODOCK
and then some
Amsterdam ... a few days later 
Amsterdam ... first few days
Peri . . . R.I. P.
Neil in China
Sep 8th
Don & Kaylie celebrate at AsiaSF
Kaylie's birthday
Kittens !
Poor Little Cripple Girl 2007: preBurning Man 
this may have been one of the BEST years EVER. thank you for the LOVE (tht's why i'm still here, and that's why i went to thr Plays), the Danya/DanDasMann/Peef connection for the electric wheelchair, - which i left for John who had no legs until the end of the Event, GoMonk's GoCart in which he showed me the Black Rock City lights and highlights, LadyBee's lists which got me in safely, early, Paul's Burn (a 2-for-1 offer from Black Erock Intelligence),, Larry's laughter,, Wednesdsy's Ben Back reMan, Jewelz's Eggs, Mona's Mojitos, Katy's collaring of the Man, Herzbach's tales, Newt's bar, and my beloved newbies: Lucky & Bamboo.
More 2007 Burning Man pictures:
Catwzl's BunRing Man pix
Aaron"Slim" Muszalski's pix:
Wally PyroBoy's pix
spot's pix
Peef's Time Lapse Video
Lady Bee's Playa pix
Visiting with
Fred, Cat, Shiva, & Lucky Mojo in Forestville
Visitors to Beanflower House